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Appendix E: Location & Anecdotal Notes in Log

Tip 30: The CFS 8000C Training Aid of 2013 at page 191 of 238, Appendix "E" recommends that the Alcohol Standard Log, updated by the solution change QT, and referred to by the subject test QT include, inter alia, the "location of the instrument" and anecdotal "observations made during the changing of the standard".

Excerpt from CFS 8000C Training Aid

Location of the instrument at the time of the last solution change is essential information for the defence. If there has been a change of location between the last solution change date & time and prior to the subject test(s) of your client, then there has been operator error. Consult your expert witness. See page 83 of 238 CFS 2013 8000C Training Aid.

Observations made during the changing of the standard (anecdotal notes) are essential information for the defence because they may may disclose problems with air leaks, tubing condensation, bad cal. checks, chips and cracks in the jar, or #duisimulator error messages or tones. Information and data recorded at the time of the prior solution change should be part of the Stinchcombe investigative file (R. v. O. 2014 ONCJ 440). I suggest anecdotal information is as important as COBRA raw text data of that event.

The Alcohol Standard Log should identify the serial number of the simulator containing the alcohol standard. Because simulator/approved instrument combinations can easily be switched between solution changes, it is identification of the serial number of the simulator that is most important to continuity, quality control, and quality assurance respecting the alcohol standard. It is appropriate to identify the Intoxilyzer in the Alcohol Standard Log but it is more important that the simulator be identified.

The electronic CalGuard feature on the 8000C is not an adequate replacement for a complete hand-written alcohol standard log.


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